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BINGOSPA Wrinkles Smoother, Under-Eyes Bags Reductor - Eye Cream with Snail Slime
BINGOSPA Wrinkles Smoother, Under-Eyes Bags Reductor - Eye Cream with Snail Slime


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Mimic wrinkles reductor, „Second skin” effect - night cream with Pheohydrane


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Wrinkle Reducer, Quick Skin Regeneration 60+ Night Cream with Viper Venom BINGOSPA


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Smoothing & Brightening Skin Around Eyes - Eye Cream with Viper Venom BINGOSPA

Dispatched within: 1 dzień
Price: £24.00

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Rating: 4.87622
Product code: 749

Viper venom, to be precise, the neuropeptide, relaxes and soothes facial muscle spasms. The lack of shrinkage reduces the deepening of existing ones and prevents the formation of new wrinkles. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-pain and anti-edema effects and evens skin tone.

The cream reduces the visibility of lines and wrinkles and brightens shadows under the eyes. Components of the cream repair skin  damages caused by free radicals.

How to use: in the morning and evening gently pat the cream into the skin around the eyes.

Weight 50g


DE Glättung von Falten und Aufhellung Hautton um die Augen - Augencreme mit Schlangengift. IT Appianare le rughe e schiarire il tono della pelle intorno agli occhi - crema per gli occhi con veleno di serpente. ES Suaviza las arrugas y abrillantado de tono de la piel alrededor de los ojos - crema para los ojos con veneno de serpiente. RO Îndepărtarea ridurilor și luminarea tonului pielii din jurul ochilor - cremă de ochi cu venin de viperă. CZ Vyhlazení vrásek a zesvětlení tónu kůže kolem očí - oční krém s jedom zmije. SK Vyhladenie vrások a zjemnenie tónu pokožky okolo očí - krém na oči s hadím jedom. PT Suavizar rugas e clarear o tom da pele ao redor dos olhos - creme para os olhos com veneno de serpiente. FR Lissage des rides et éclaircissement de la peau autour des yeux - crème pour les yeux au venin de serpent. UKR Згладжування зморшок і освітлення тонусу шкіри навколо очей - крем для очей із зміїною отрутою. RU Сглаживание морщин и облегчение тонуса кожи вокруг глаз - крем для глаз со змеиным ядом. GR Εξομάλυνση των ρυτίδων και απαλότητα του τόνου του δέρματος γύρω από τα μάτια - κρέμα ματιών με δηλητήριο δηλητηρίου. IL מחליק קמטים ומבהיר את גוון העור סביב העיניים - קרם עיניים עם ארס ארס TR Kırışıklıkların yumuşatılması ve göz çevresindeki cilt tonunun aydınlatılması - venom zehiri ile göz kremi. CN 抚平皱纹,淡化眼周肌肤的色调 - 含毒液的眼霜。


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