BINGOSPA Wrinkles Smoother, Under-Eyes Bags Reductor - Eye Cream with Snail Slime
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A light cream for people with puffiness and wrinkles under the eyes. It combines the nutritional properties of many active substances contained in the snail slime. The most important are:
- collagen and elastin - the basic proteins of the dermis, guaranteeing its elasticity and firmness;
- proteins similar to those found in human skin - the skin becomes better nourished, smoother and more bright;
- vitamins A, C and E, acting anti-radical, prevent skin aging;
- allantoin - stimulates cell division and tissue reconstruction, soothes irritations;
- glycolic acid - gently exfoliates, helps in the reconstruction of the epidermis.
How to use: in the morning and evening gently pat the cream into the skin around the eyes.
Weight: 50g
GB Wrinkles smoother, under-eyes bags reductor - eye cream with snail slime. DE Glätten von Augenfalten , Reduzierung der Tränensäcke - Augencreme mit Schneckenschleim. IT Eliminare le rughe intorno agli occhi, ridurre le borse sotto gli occhi - crema per gli occhi con melma di lumaca. ES Suavizar arrugas alrededor de los ojos, reduciendo las bolsas debajo de los ojos - crema para los ojos con baba de caracol. RO Indepartand ridurile din jurul ochilor, reducerea pungilor de sub ochi - crema ochi cu șlam de melc. CZ Vyhlazení vrásek kolem očí, snížení Vyhlazení vrásek, snižování váčky pod očima - krém pro oblast kolem očí s hlemýždím slizem. SK Vyhlazovanie vrások okolo očí, redukcia vreciek pod očami - krém na oblasť około očí s hlienovým slizom. PT Suavizar rugas ao redor dos olhos, reduzindo as bolsas sob os olhos - creme para os olhos com lodo de caracol. FR Lissage des rides autour des yeux, réduisant les poches sous les yeux - crème pour les yeux avec bave d'escargot. UA Згладжування зморшок навколо очей, зменшення сумок під очима - крем для очей з слимачним слизом. RU Сглаживание морщин вокруг глаз, уменьшение сумм под глазами - крем для глаз с уличной слизью. GR Εξομάλυνση των ρυτίδων γύρω από τα μάτια, μείωση των σακουλών κάτω από τα μάτια - κρέμα ματιών με λάσπη σαλιγκαριού. IL החלקת קמטים סביב העיניים, הפחתת שקיות מתחת לעיניים - קרם עיניים עם רפש חלזונות. TR Göz çevresindeki kırışıklıkların yumuşatılması, göz altındaki torbaların azaltılması - salyangoz balçıklı göz kremi. CN 抚平眼部周围的皱纹,减少眼袋 - 含有蜗牛泥的眼霜。
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