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Wrinkle Reducer, Quick Skin Regeneration 60+  Night Cream with Viper Venom BINGOSPA
Wrinkle Reducer, Quick Skin Regeneration 60+ Night Cream with Viper Venom BINGOSPA


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BINGOSPA Wrinkles Smoother, Under-Eyes Bags Reductor - Eye Cream with Snail Slime
BINGOSPA Wrinkles Smoother, Under-Eyes Bags Reductor - Eye Cream with Snail Slime


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Mimic wrinkles reductor, „Second skin” effect - night cream with Pheohydrane
Mimic wrinkles reductor, „Second skin” effect - night cream with Pheohydrane


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BINGOSPA Shampoo No SLES / SLS With Keratin
BINGOSPA Shampoo No SLES / SLS With Keratin


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Serum shampoo keratin 100% with spirulina BINGOSPA Fitness
Serum shampoo keratin 100% with spirulina BINGOSPA Fitness


Regular price: £2.00

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Collagen Body Milk - Aloe, Flax, Vitamin E BINGOSPA
Collagen Body Milk - Aloe, Flax, Vitamin E BINGOSPA


Regular price: £6.40

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Collagen 100% with Viper Venom BINGOSPA
Collagen 100% with Viper Venom BINGOSPA


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Collagen 100% with Hyaluronic Acid BINGOSPA
Collagen 100% with Hyaluronic Acid BINGOSPA


Regular price: £44.00

Lowest price: £18.30
BINGOSPA Powder Bath Salt with L-carnitine and Guarana
BINGOSPA Powder Bath Salt with L-carnitine and Guarana


Regular price: £1.98

Lowest price: £1.90
BINGOSPA Liquid Keratin 30%  with Spirulina
BINGOSPA Liquid Keratin 30% with Spirulina


Regular price: £11.00

Lowest price: £6.45
Warts remover  Celandine extract 100% 30 ml BINGOSPA
Warts remover Celandine extract 100% 30 ml BINGOSPA


Regular price: £16.00

Lowest price: £7.60
BINGOSPA Brine With Dead Sea Minerals And Collagen
BINGOSPA Brine With Dead Sea Minerals And Collagen


Regular price: £2.80

Lowest price: £2.80

Silk serum for body BINGOSPA Fitness

Dispatched within: 1 dzień
Price: £3.00

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Rating: 4.84
Product code: 625

Lekkie, szybko wchłaniające się serum do ciała BingoSpa Fitness pomaga zachować nawilżenie na powierzchni skóry wywołując efekt natychmiastowej i długotrwałej świeżości oraz gładkość. Proteiny jedwabiu powodują, że skóra staje się przyjemna w dotyku i jedwabiście gładka. 

Serum do ciała BingoSpa Fitness doskonale się rozprowadza i bardzo szybko wchłania. Pozostawia skórę jedwabiście gładką.  Szczególnie po wysiłku lub treningu odpręża i regeneruje zmęczoną skórę.


Light, fast absorbing a body serum BingoSpa Fitness helps keep moisture on the skin surface causing immediate and long-lasting effect of freshness and smoothness. Silk proteins cause the skin becomes pleasant to the touch and silky smooth.

Serum Body Fitness BingoSpa perfectly to spread and absorbed very quickly. Leaves skin silky smooth. Particularly after exercise or workout relaxes and regenerates tired skin.

Weight 140g



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