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Mimic wrinkles reductor, „Second skin” effect - night cream with Pheohydrane

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Price: £13.50

Regular price: £24.00

The lowest price during 30 days prior to the reduction: £24.00
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Rating: 4.7
Product code: 745

Night cream reducing mimic wrinkles. The skin rests and regenerates at night, so it absorbs intensively the nutrients to start repair processes. Ensure a fresh and rested skin appearance after waking up.

PHEOHYDRANE is the complex of active substances obtained from polysaccharides of the brown algae membrane, from the amino acids of Chlorella Vulgaris microalgae and from seawater minerals. PHEOHYDRANE gives immediate and long-lasting skin hydration.

The "Second skin" effect - PHEOHYDRANE creates a surface structure on the skin that protects it from drying out and gradually releases amino acids and minerals to the skin.


How to use: in the evening apply a small amount of cream over the cleansed skin of the face.

Weight 135g


GB Mimic wrinkles reductor, „Second skin” effect - night cream with Pheohydrane. DE Reduzierung von Falten - die Wirkung der „zweite Haut“ - Nachtcreme mit Pheohydrane. IT Riduzione delle rughe mimiche - Effetto "seconda pelle" - crema notte con Pheohydrane. ES Reducción de arrugas mímicas - el efecto de "segunda piel" - crema de noche con Pheohydrane. RO Reducerea ridurilor mimetice - efectul "a doua piele" - crema de noapte cu Pheohydrane. CZ Redukce mimických vrásek - účinek "druhé pokožky" - noční krém s Pheohydrane. SK Redukcia mimických vrások - efekt "druhej kože" - nočný krém s Pheohydrane. PT Redução de rugas mímicas - o efeito de "segunda pele" - creme de noite com Pheohydrane. FR Réduction des rides mimétiques - l'effet de "seconde peau" - crème de nuit avec Pheohydrane. UA Зниження мімічних зморшок - ефект "другої шкіри" - нічний крем з Pheohydrane. RU Уменьшение мимических морщин - эффект «второй кожи» - ночной крем с Pheohydrane. GR Μείωση των μιμωδών ρυτίδων - η επίδραση της "δεύτερου δέρματος" - κρέμα νύχτας με Pheohydrane. IL הפחתת קמטים לחקות - ההשפעה של "העור השני" - קרם לילה עם Pheohydrane. TR Mimik kırışıklıkların azaltılması - "ikinci cilt" in etkisi - gece kremi Pheohydrane ile. CN 减少模仿皱纹 - “第二层皮肤”效果 - 含氢硼烷的晚霜。


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